Thursday, 15 December 2011

Tyrannosaur Film Poster

Tyrannosaur Poster Analysis

This is my second poster analysis of Independent British film, 'Tyrannosaur' directed by Paddy Considine. I have been aware of this film through my Magazine, 'Little White Lies', which is good for images and posters. I have started to see conventions on these posters, such as the director's name, the age certificate and the clear indication of the title. With these analysis' in mind, I intend to create a professional looking and eye catching film poster.

In more detail, the use of colour on this poster is very bleak which connotes the dark and intense themes that are underlined in this film such as domestic violence. The image of the small figure in the midst of a large landscape really connotes the insignificance of the protagonist in relation to reality and the council estate on which he lives. The graphic of the dinosaur underneath the ground not only links to the title, but also relates to the theme of underlying messages, that there's always something beneath or behind someone that you don't know about.
As with films that have dark meanings and underlying messages, the reason audiences view them is to gain an insight into the life of others and educate themselves in the subject matter. For example, Katz and Blumer's Uses and Gratifications Theory (1974) and Dennis McQuail's more detailed breakdown which suggests that audiences are more likely to consume a text for these specific reasons:

  • Gaining insight into circumstances of others
  • Self-education
  • Satisfying curiosity and general interest
This all relates directly to my film through the dark themes of death, if my poster connoted that then I'm sure that I would attract the viewer to see my film out of curiosity, which is a great way of making sure my film meets the right target audience.

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