1. Long shot. Establishing. Eye level. Camera focus pulls from hospital background to elder in bed. 5 seconds.
2. Medium shot. Slight tilt down to show elder in bed. 4 seconds.
3. Close up. Tight framing on the face, while elder says “No please. Not now!” 5 seconds.
4. Medium shot. Camera tilted, looking down at elder in bed. 5 seconds.
5. Point of view shot. Camera tilted towards the ceiling. 4 seconds.
6. Medium shot. Camera tilted, looking down at elder in bed. 2 seconds.
7. Point of view shot. Camera tilted towards the ceiling, shot being pulled away into black. 4 seconds.
8. Extreme close up. Eyelevel. 3 seconds.
9. Medium shot. Camera tilted, high up looking down at elder in bed. 3 seconds.
10. Long shot. Eye level with elder. 3 seconds.
11. Medium shot. Front on, eyelevel head and shoulders shot. 2 seconds.
12. Over the shoulder shot. Camera pulls from the child’s shoulder to the elder in bed. 4 seconds.
13. Point of view shot. From elder’s POV, long shot of child sat chair. 3 seconds.
14. Extreme close up. Elder’s eyes. 3 seconds.
15. Black
16. Medium shot. Eyelevel. 5 seconds. Elder “Someone much wiser than me….”
17. Close up. Low shot. Children’s feet running. 2 seconds.
18. Long shot. Eyelevel. Camera pans to follow child running. 5 seconds.
19. Medium shot. Eyelevel behind child. Following him running. 3 seconds.
20. Long shot. High, dutch tilt to child. 5 seconds.
21. Close up. Low level. Focus on stones. 3 seconds.
22. Long shot. Eyelevel. Pull focus between elder and child. 5 seconds.
23. Medium shot. Low level looking up at child. 7 seconds.
24. Long shot. Pan from child searching for stones to elder observing. 5 seconds.
25. Close up. Camera pans and follows the child’s hand. 6 seconds.
26. Close up. Camera focused on blood as child finds it. 3 seconds.
27. Close up. Point of view. 2 seconds.
28. Extreme Close Up of rabbit’s face. 4 seconds
29. Point of view (rabbit). Tilted up to see the child’s reaction shot. 4 seconds.
30. Medium Close up. Low shot. Camera pulls from rabbit in foreground to elder in background. 4 seconds.
31. Long shot. Over shoulder (elder). 3 seconds.
32. Medium shot. Ground level. 4 seconds.
33. Point of view (rabbit). Tilted up to see child inspecting and becoming upset. 4 seconds.
34. Medium shot. Eyelevel with elder as he finishes his speech. 6 seconds.
35. Medium shot. Eyelevel with child. Camera pans as the child runs away into woods. 5 seconds.
36. Extreme close up. Elder’s face. 3 seconds.
37. Faded to white
38. Long shot. Camera moves into the hospital scene. 3 seconds.
39. Over shoulder shot. Camera pans around from behind child to end of the bed. 5 seconds.
40. Medium shot. Eyelevel with child. Rule of thirds. 2-3 seconds.
41. Medium close up shot of brother. Eyelevel. 2-3 seconds.
42. Long two shot. Eyelevel. We see both characters in the frame talking. 6-7 seconds.
43. Long shot. Eyelevel as the brother starts his long speech. Camera slowly pans into his face. 20 seconds.
44. Medium close up. Reaction shot of brother. 3-4 seconds.
45. Long shot. We see the whole bed. The camera pans from the end of the bed to the head. 5 seconds.
46. Long shot. Slightly higher than eyelevel. As they hug, the camera pans left. 4 seconds.
47. Medium shot. Behind child, the camera follows him leaving the room. 4 seconds.
48. Long shot. Brother turns in bed. The camera creeps into the shot towards him. 4 seconds.
49. Extreme close up. Brother’s face. Close eyes. 3-4 seconds.
50. Blank.
51. Extreme close up. Elder opens his eyes. 2-3 seconds.
52. Long shot. Behind the elder and child. Sat center frame on bed. 2-3 seconds.
53. Long two shot. Elder and child on bed. 8-9 seconds.
54. Close up. Cutaway of child holding elder’s hand. 3-4 seconds.
55. Close up. Elder’s face. He takes a deep breath. 3-4 seconds.
56. Long shot. Eyelevel with elder. Camera is pulled away into darkness as they disappear. 5-6 seconds.
57. The title fades in.
58. Credits.
Excellent wok on shot list.