Movie theater advertising is one popular method used to promote future movies. What better opportunity is there for movie advertising than in movie trailers? There is already an audience available who are present to watch a movie, and so the previews that run before films can be a great way to reach out, inform and draw in. Movie advertising specialists can also take advantage of movie rentals and provide valuable previews to advertise future videos or movies on DVD movies.
Digital movie advertising is one of the most exciting new venues for promoting films. It can be a great way of capturing the interest of viewers and priming them for future movies. Multi-media websites are being built for new movies, which provide clips and cast information, as well as games and other interactive features. Another popular way to use the Internet is purchasing pop-up ads that appear when relevant sites are visited. Film advertising methods can also include placing a small clip of the movie in an advertisement so that it begins playing as soon as a site loads.
In terms of my film, I doubt that a short like mine would have sufficient funding to achieve some of these methods of advertising, although websites such as Lovefilm will use a film each month on their website design, which could be a good means of advertising for my short. The design on my poster would be suited directly for online advertising on websites, or a cut down version of my film for a trailer.
Excellent work Hal, you are thinking about institutions and how to get your film some exposure.